You shouldn't go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Goal for the Year: New Tradition (Service)
“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk
As it’s my senior year I’m only have a few months before I leave OSC forever, before I go as key club president I want to plan and initiate something that will outlast myself. An annual charity drive, fund raising event, or service award that will promote C&S in the school. In this way I can engage with an issue of global importance, by inspiring others for years to come I can do far more good over the long run than any single act I could do myself.
My favorite idea so far is to start a competition, have key club grow fund every year then accept proposals from any student with a plan to help those in need. Service leaders can vote on the best idea, implement it using the fund and whoevers idea is chosen given an award during the final assembly for their work. It would encourage students to keep their eyes open for opportunities to do good, make them more aware of all the ways they can contribute to the world, and most importantly give everyone in school with a good with a plan the means and opportunity to really make a difference.

Goals for the Year: Guitar (Creativity)
I spent hours over the summer practicing guitar, I have persevered and can now play quite a few of my favorite songs. New skills I’ve developed, I can finger pick, switch quickly between all the most frequently used chords like A, Am, G, D, Dm, F, C and am even better with bar chords. My goal for this year is to work collaboratively with other and play with a band in front of an audience whether it be during assembly, a talent show, or even a small school concert. A challenge I have never undertaken which to be honest is pretty daunting as I always tend to play worse in from of other people than when I’m alone, one of the main reasons I chose this goal is I believe this is an area for growth: public performing a musical instrument is a skill I would love to acquire.
Goal for the Year: MMA (Action)
I’ve always wanted to learn how to fight, I love watching professional boxing, wrestling, and MMA, although I would never go looking for a fight I’d love the feeling of security that comes with knowing you can hold your own if your ever attacked. This year I decided to make that a reality and undertake a new challenge: I signed up for MMA classes at a gym near my house. The ethical implications of this decision however are similar to those in the debate over gun regulation. Someone who carries a gun for protection is infinitely more likely to shoot someone than a person who doesn’t. He may use it in a situation that would have diffused itself had he not had the gun and furthermore he may have ben far more careful not to get himself in a situation where he may need it without the secure feeling one gets from having it. Similarly once trained to fight people are far more likely to actually get in one, an outcome I am definitely hoping to avoid. My goals are to show perseverance and commitment by sticking with this course as the physical and mental strains I’m guessing will be unmatched by any sports practice I’ve been to before. By the end of the year, win or lose, I would like to be skilled enough to compete in a tournament.
Goal for the Year: Basketball (Action)
Last season my basketball skills improved dramatically, this year I hoping to get even better again particularly on offence. My biggest problem right now is consistency, I have amazing days and I have days so terrible its mind boggling. My most concrete goal is to make the starting lineup again which this year I believe will be far more challenging than last. If we run a standard offence there will only be two starting spots for a post and I’ll be competing against Jesse, Roger, and Kwabena for those three spots. All of them are amazing athletes and Jesse and Kwabena are both taller than me by about a half a foot. My greatest strength is rebounding, I can time my jump to get the ball at the highest possible point and I’m a pretty scrappy player fighting for every ball, (something I need to learn to turn down in friendly matches) My greatest weaknesses and specific skills I’ll be working on are ball control, my jump shot, and fakes.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Key Club Update
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
President of Key Club
Vice-President - Harini
Treasurer - Terunage Tamura
Secratary - Annie Gilstedt
I hoping to engage with issues of global importance decided to undertake this new challenge. I ran and was elected president.
Food and Fun Fair
Monday, February 21, 2011
Habitat Build
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Alzheimer's Charity Run
Last weekend with Fillipo Steponi and a few other kids from OSC i joined in a 5km-10km walk to help raise awareness of the disease. Along the way we passed out pamphlets in English, Singhalese, and Tamil to many of the locals we passed on the way. Here in Sri Lanka especially in many of the more rural areas very few people know of the diseases existence, by raising awareness we hope to help more those suffering from Alzheimer's Disease get treatment.
Habitat for Humanity
"What the poor need is not charity but capital, not caseworkers but co-workers. And what the rich need is a wise, honorable and just way of divesting themselves of their overabundance. The Fund for Humanity will meet both of these needs. Money for the fund will come from shared gifts by those who feel they have more than they need and from non-interest bearing loans from those who cannot afford to make a gift but who do want to provide working capital for the disinherited . . . The fund will give away no money. It is not a handout.
The houses would be built at no profit and interest would not be charged on the loans. Building costs would be financed by a revolving fund called “The Fund for Humanity.” The fund's money would come from the new homeowners' house payments, no-interest loans provided by supporters and money earned by fund-raising activities. The monies in the Fund for Humanity would be used to build more houses."
I think it's a fantastic concept. Joining habitat also means through them i can engage in an issue of global importance: shelter is one of the three basic human needs for survival yet around the world is a luxury many do not have. We actually get to go to the build sites and spend the day constructing a house, its an incredible opportunity. We help by tiling the roof, digging foundations, filling in a concrete floor, and whatever else needs to be done. (Undertake New Challenges and Develop New Skills:i must say I've never tried to build a house before) I was incredibly lucky to get in when i went to my first meeting i was told that they had over-booked the activity and so i couldn't join, it was only at the last minute an exception was made for me.
Six months later, Ali Khan, our current president, and all the other leaders stepped down so they could focus on exams. I volunteered to take their place and am now the new president with Camie Raguin. One of the biggest problems we had last semester was the cancellation of builds.The entire 6 months i believe only 3 or 4 actually happened. Now many interrupted because of the rain and generally terrible whether but also a significant number because of miscommunication and disorganization. Our liaison from habitat, a man named Francis was terribly inconsistent, he took weeks to reply to emails, changed the location of build sites at the last minute, and generally was difficult to work with, and as a result many of our trips where simply cancelled. (However as luck would have it this Saturday we have a build planned if the weather holds up)So as our first order of business me and Camie are going to meet the president of habitat for humanity this Monday to try to build better relations between us. (Helping to improve my ability to work collaboratively with others) Our other plans include getting our service officially licensed as a branch of Habitat, which would make us eligible for funding with some of our projects and many other benefits and also taking the skills we have developed on the builds and using them to Plan and Initiate out own activities. For example close by to the school is a home for the deaf. We plan on using what we learned from our builds and the funds we attained from various fund raising activities earlier in the year to go fix up the home and other similar projects.