Saturday, August 27, 2011

Goal for the Year: MMA (Action)


I’ve always wanted to learn how to fight, I love watching professional boxing, wrestling, and MMA, although I would never go looking for a fight I’d love the feeling of security that comes with knowing you can hold your own if your ever attacked. This year I decided to make that a reality and undertake a new challenge: I signed up for MMA classes at a gym near my house. The ethical implications of this decision however are similar to those in the debate over gun regulation. Someone who carries a gun for protection is infinitely more likely to shoot someone than a person who doesn’t. He may use it in a situation that would have diffused itself had he not had the gun and furthermore he may have ben far more careful not to get himself in a situation where he may need it without the secure feeling one gets from having it. Similarly once trained to fight people are far more likely to actually get in one, an outcome I am definitely hoping to avoid. My goals are to show perseverance and commitment by sticking with this course as the physical and mental strains I’m guessing will be unmatched by any sports practice I’ve been to before. By the end of the year, win or lose,  I would like to be skilled enough to compete in a tournament.

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