Saturday, February 4, 2012

Basketball 2012

The Basketball Saisa season has just started. It will be my fourth time trying for the overseas travelling team, i'm hoping to make captain this year.

My goal from last year to increase my offensive skills; dribbling, shooting, and drop steps, was fairly successful. This year my average points per game is far higher, i'm a lot more confident with the ball, and short corner accuracy on a good day is about 70%. I can also jump much higher than before though which is a huge help.

My two main goals this year is to work collaboratively with others and develop my skills in my passing game and cuts. Give and go plays in particular can be very effective if your team is in sync, its a quality which only comes as you play together for a while and this year the majority of players have been on the team for at least 1 or 2 years. There are very few new players.

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